
The CPCA Bylaws define our membership types and governance.

Pest Management Company Membership:

CPCA and NPMA (National Pest Management Association) have a joint membership agreement. When you join CPCA, your dues include NPMA membership, and all of the member benefits of both associations are available to you. If your pest control company is headquartered in a state outside of CPCA and is an NPMA member through that state, then the State-Only membership category is what you need.




Allied, Associate, and State-Only Membership:

CPCA also has membership options for those who do not qualify for regular membership but are industry partners (Associate), suppliers (Allied), and State-Only pest control companies. If your pest control company is headquartered outside of Colorado and is an NPMA member through that state, then the State-Only membership category is what you need.

Join (PDF)


Meetings and Schedule

PestWorld 2024 | Denver, CO

October 22-25, 2024

Colorado Day at PestWorld

October 24, 2024


The Buzz
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